Kymberlee Price

With over 12 years experience in the information security industry, Kymberlee Price pioneered the first security researcher outreach program in the software industry. Price later was a principal investigator in the Zotob criminal investigation, and analyzed APT's at Microsoft. She then spent 4 years investigating product vulnerabilities in BlackBerry's Security Response Team followed by an offensive security role as the Director of the Synack Red Team. Today she is responsible for directing the efforts of Bugcrowd's global team of more than 16,000 security researchers, optimizing vulnerability reporting performance for customers and researchers, and aiding 'the Crowd' with ongoing skill development and overall success in Bugcrowd programs. Ms. Price holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Behavioral Psychology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health Education. She has previously spoken at a number of conferences, including Black Hat USA, RSA, Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit, Metricon, and Derbycon.

Appearing at:

HI THIS IS URGENT PLZ FIX ASAP: Critical Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounty Programs