Sebastian Strobl

Sebastian Strobl manages the delivery of Cognosec GmbH's auditing services. He has over 8 years practical experience in the areas of information security, IT governance, compliance, risk management, and information systems auditing. He is a certified professional in information systems, PCI DSS and application security auditing, and has a master's degree in Information Management and Computer Security. Prior to his role at Cognosec GmbH he was leading information systems audits for organizations in the online gaming and finance industry, providing a strong background in the online payment and gaming value chain, the underlying technology thereof, and industry specific regulations. He has an extreme depth of knowledge in security tools, technologies, and industry best practices, and is recognized for delivering top-level, value-adding IT audits. He is also responsible for the creation and deployment of innovative solutions to mitigate risks by protecting networks and application systems, safeguarding information assets and ensuring business continuity. He specializes in delivering effective assurance and consultancy services, focusing on application and web-security architecture, as well as the integration with payment processing value chains.

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ZigBee Exploited the Good the Bad and the Ugly