I love working on behavior based prediction problems and artificial intelligence so some of my favorite themes to talk about are: Covert channel detection (especially encrypted), probabilistic identity resolution, behavior based intrusion detection and machine learning for security . Behavioral intrusion detection is a really interesting topic because it highlights the limitations of machine learning as an algorithmic solution to a challenging pattern recognition problem: how to detect changing attacker tactics over time.
The first con I attend was Defcon 8 and since then I have been passionate about security research in different forums at the grassroots level. My formal background started with studying mathematics in college and I received a BS from University California, Riverside and an MS and PhD from Purdue University. Most recently I joined Splunk as a senior data scientist through the acquisition of Caspida. I have presented or co-presented at various security conferences including DEFCON and Torcon and Blackhat to name a few.
No Silver Bullet. Multi contextual threat detection via Machine Learning.