Solomon Sonya (@Carpenter1010) is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the United States Air Force Academy. He has a background in software development, malware analysis, covert channels, steganography, distributed computing, computer hacking, and information protection paradigms. He received his Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science and has Master’s degrees in Computer Science and Information System Engineering. Solomon’s current research includes computer system exploitation, threat intelligence, digital forensics, and data protection.
Previous conferences Solomon has spoken at include: HackCon Norway, BlackHat USA, SecTor Canada, Shmoocon DC, DerbyCon Kentucky, SkyDogCon Tennessee, HackerHalted Georgia, Day-Con Ohio, TakeDownCon Maryland and Alabama, ICORES Italy, Hack in Paris France, and BruCon Belgium.
WiFi Exploitation: How passive interception leads to active exploitation