Tim MalcomVetter

Tim MalcomVetter (@malcomvetter) has over fifteen years building and breaking systems: red teaming the world’s largest commercial organization, consulting with Fortune 500s, hacking everything from mobile apps to fuel pumps to proprietary “legacy” services on TCP sockets, leading e-commerce dev teams, and deploying enterprise security solutions. Tim has several degrees, held a doctoral research fellowship, and several certifications. Tim has presented on offensive security topics in several venues, including Black Hat, DerbyCon, ShowMeCon, ArchC0N, several BSides, several developer conferences, and more. Tim also volunteers time for university infosec programs, including CCDC.


Appearing at:

Winning (and Quitting) the Privacy Game: What it REALLY takes to have True Privacy in the 21st Century; or How I learned to give in and embrace EXIF tags