Why journalists and hackers need each other (a panel discussion with infosec reporters)

Why journalists and hackers need each other (a panel discussion with infosec reporters)

The press must translate complex digital security issues for the public, bringing a sense of urgency to the subject without scaring people into inaction. To do this job right, we need to talk to hackers. An open and earnest dialogue on how reporters navigate these challenges is in everyone’s interest – unless, of course, you have something to hide.

This panel will feature a frank discussion about what works and what doesn’t in uncovering some of the most important infosec storylines of the day. Discussion topics will include how companies and agencies disclose data breaches; how reporters are involved in the flawed and difficult process of vulnerability disclosure; the responsibilities of more “”mainstream”” outlets in explaining cybersecurity issues to readers; and what to do when policymakers draw the wrong conclusions from your reporting.

Journalists to include Sean Lyngaas from CyberScoop, Joseph Cox of Motherboard, Lily Hay Newman from Wired, and freelance journalist Kim Zetter.

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