Anant Shrivastava

Anant Shrivastava is an information security professional with 11+ yrs of corporate experience with expertise in Network, Mobile, Application and Linux Security. He is Regional Director - Asia Pacific for NotSoSecure Global Services. He has trained ~800 delegates at various conferences (Black Hat -USA, ASIA, EU, Nullcon and many more). He has also been a speaker at various conferences such as Nullcon, c0c0n, Rootconf. Anant also leads Open Source project Android Tamer ( and CodeVigilant ( He is active in various open security communities like OWASP, null, G4H. He is chapter leader for local null community chapter and is an avid open source contributor. He is a contributing author for OWASP Web Testing Guide v4.0 and a reviewer for Mobile Testing Guide and Mobile ASVS standard documents by OWASP. His work can be found at

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