Red Team Level over 9000! Fusing the powah of .NET with a scripting language of your choosing: introducing BYOI (Bring Your own Interpreter) payloads.

Red Team Level over 9000! Fusing the powah of .NET with a scripting language of your choosing: introducing BYOI (Bring Your own Interpreter) payloads.

With all of the defenses Microsoft has implemented in the PowerShell run-time over the past few years Red Teamers & APT groups have started too shy away from using PowerShell based payloads/delivery mechanisms and migrate over to C#. However, C# is a compiled language, operationally this has a few major downsides: we can’t be as “flexible” as we could be with scripting languages, setting up a proper development environment has overhead, things need to be compiled etc... in this talk, I will be covering my approach to solving these operational problems by using some of the (possibly?) lesser known features of the .NET framework and introducing BYOI (Bring Your Own Interpreter) payloads which allow you to embed a scripting language of your choosing into any .NET language!

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