Hook, Line and Syncer: The Liar for Hire’s Ultimate Tacklebox

Hook, Line and Syncer: The Liar for Hire’s Ultimate Tacklebox

This presentation is an exploration of the latest tools used in the art of social engineering. From information gathering to post exploitation, participants will get to experience “the thrill of the con” from presenters who live it each day. The presentation seeks to prove that you don’t have to be a sleazy ‘salesman’ type personality to be successful at social engineering. With the right tools and techniques, just about anyone can pull off creative exploits. While an overview of all popular tools will be given, a deep-dive will be taken into a few of the coolest tools. But even better, the presenters will discuss real-life situations in which these tools have been used. This provides the participants with a context in which to understand the tools and how they may best be leveraged for maximum ownage.

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