Writing Bad @$$ Malware for OS X
Defeating Pass-the-Hash: Separation of Powers
Red vs Blue: Modern Active Directory Attacks Detection and Protection
Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle
Abusing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to Build a Persistent Asynchronous and Fileless Backdoor
Cloning 3G/4G SIM Cards with a PC and an Oscilloscope: Lessons Learned in Physical Security
Attacking Your Trusted Core: Exploiting Trustzone on Android
The NSA Playset: A Year of Toys and Tools
Defeating Machine Learning: What Your Security Vendor is Not Telling You
From False Positives to Actionable Analysis: Behavioral Intrusion Detection Machine Learning and the SOC
Automated Human Vulnerability Scanning with AVA
Advanced IC Reverse Engineering Techniques: In Depth Analysis of a Modern Smart Card
Most Ransomware Isnt as Complex as You Might Think