AAPL- Automated Analog Telephone Logging


Presented by: Steve Clement, Leigh Honeywell
Date: Sunday August 02, 2009
Time: 13:30 - 13:50
Location: Turbo/Breakout Track
Track: Turbo/Breakout

Since 1983 when Hollywood introduced "Wardialing" to the public, there has been little change in the methods involved. While some pieces of hardware attempted to take it beyond what was essentially a telephonic "ping" scan, the methods and technology didn't maintain that momentum. However, thanks to modern computing and open source software tools, we are now able to cartograph an entire phone exchange in one pass while discerning voice, tones, faxes and modems. With some creative processing, it might be taken even farther into speech recognition

Da Beave

<strong>Da Beave </strong> (Champ Clark III) is one of the founding members of the VoIP hobbyist group "Telephreak." He also co-authored Asterisk Hacking and brought the OpenVMS Deathrow Cluster into existence. He is currently employed with Softwink, Inc., which specializes in security monitoring within the financial industry. Da Beave has authored various security utilities including iWar, tscan/dscan (X.25), and others.


<strong>JFalcon</strong> has been involved in the scene for almost two decades. He also has the claim to fame of being the first federally convicted computer hacker in the State of Alaska during Operation: Sundevil (1991-1995). Since his release in 1996, he has professionally consulted businesses and business executives in their own security needs along with being a senior system administrator to Fortune 500 companies and U.S. government agencies. Currently, JFalcon maintains his passion for finding unique solutions to today's problems by studying the past, from running his own hybrid BBS system to see how it could compete with social network websites to designing his own robotic antenna controls for his radio gear to studying people's real experiments into hydrogen fuels. He currently calls Seattle his home.

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