ARM exploitation ROPmap

Black Hat USA 2011

Presented by: Long Le, Thanh Nguyen
Date: Wednesday August 03, 2011
Time: 16:45 - 18:00
Location: Pompeian
Track: Embedded Exploitation

It is no doubt that ARM will be the next mainstream of exploitation with hundred of millions smartphones, tablets delivered today. There are several talks and papers about ROP on ARM but no any public ROP toolkit for ARM has been released so far as leet hackers keep their tools privately.

In this presentation we will show how ROP exploitation on ARM can be done easily via a systematic, generic approach to generate, search and chain gadgets together. A simple Intermediate Language will be presented that helps people write ROP shellcode and get it transformed automatically to chain of gadgets. As a part of the presentation, we will release an updated version of ROPEME with additional ARM support along with a demo of advanced ROP payloads on latest Android OS.

Long Le

Long Le , CISA, is a security manager at one of the largest software outsourcing companies in Vietnam. He has been actively involved in computer security for more than 10 years since he and his friends founded the pioneer Vietnamese security research group VNSECURITY ( Described as neither a researcher nor a hacker, he loves playing wargames and Capture-The-Flag with the CLGT team in his spare time. He was also a speaker at various conferences including BlackHat USA, HackInTheBox, SyScan..

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