Avoiding the Landmines in your own Backyard

DerbyCon 1 - 2011

Presented by: Bart Hopper (d4ncingd4n)
Date: Saturday October 01, 2011
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 2

Security professionals often focus on external threats to security but fail to consider the common threats inside the perimeter. Through a mix of “Freakonomics” and “The Enemy at the Water Cooler” we will look at how conscientious employees can be the weakest link of security through their attempts to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and other admirable behavior caused by misplaced incentives, competitive pressures, and misunderstanding of the threat landscape.

Bart Hopper

Bart “d4ncingd4n” Hopper, CISSP, CISM, etc. is a security analyst at a financial instituion. Prior to his work in security, he was a systems administrator for a healthcare start up. Bart is the resident “old guy” on the Securabit podcast. His training came from the “Book of the Month” club and a quest for knowledge.

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