OSINT Beyond the Basics

DerbyCon 1 - 2011

Presented by: Rick Hayes, Karthik Rangarajan
Date: Saturday October 01, 2011
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Track 1

OSINT is transforming not only the intelligence community, and law enforcement, but InfoSec as the once covert arts of HUMINT, and IMINT converge. The explosion of resources from Social Networks to Image Storage sites make the process increasingly easier and cheaper. Today, anyone, anywhere, can with a click of the mouse acquire information on a neighbor, co-worker or target. Unfortunately, OSINT is much more than simply running a few automated tools and collecting the output and throwing it in a report. This talk will take you beyond the basics of OSINT and show you how to leverage the data should be collecting to actually assist you on your next engagement.

Rick Hayes

Rick Hayes is a Sr. Principal Security Consultant primarily focused on penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. Rick is also a founder and host of the ISD podcast. He has over 20 years of experience in network security, Linux security, incident response, security assessments, and penetration testing. He specializes in OSINT and wireless/RF assessments. Throughout his career he has worked in various aspects of Information Security from Security Architect to CISO.

Karthik Rangarajan

Karthik Rangarajan is a Principal Security Consultant focused on penetration tests and vulnerability assessments, who has been involved in the information security arena for the last 2 years. He has been writing programs, meddling with code and participating in developer hackathons for almost 6 years. His programming background gives him a good aptitude for static code analysis, as well as breaking down mobile applications for security assessments. Karthik is a regular co-host of the InfoSec Daily Podcast. He also tend to write a lot of code that never gets released, and stare at Java bytecode for fun.

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