Professional Pen Testing and Learning From Your Mistakes

DerbyCon 2.0 - The Reunion

Presented by: Adam Compton
Date: Sunday September 30, 2012
Time: 10:00 - 10:25
Location: Track 5
Track: Stable Talks

This presentation is a straightforward walk through a typical vulnerability assessment/penetration test methodology from the perspective of a consulting company. However, throughout the presentation, I will be highlighting several areas where I have seen mistakes made and how to avoid them. Think of it as a “Learn From My Mistakes” kind of talk. We all make mistakes; yes everyone makes mistakes. The key is to learn from them. Over my 12+ years, I have made several mistakes and seen others make them as well. Hopefully by presenting some of these mistakes, you will not make the same ones.

Adam Compton

Adam Compton is a professional security consultant which has been performing vulnerability assessments and penetration tests for over 12 years in both the private and government sectors. (P.S. He is a Hill-Billy which likes guns, motorcycles, and read meat.)

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