Analyzing the Chemistry of Data

SOURCE Boston 2013

Presented by: Wendy Nather
Date: Wednesday April 17, 2013
Time: 14:30 - 15:20
Location: Shubert

Data security doesn't involve just securing data at rest or in transit. It also needs to be secured in use – which means that at any point, the characteristics of the data can change. We call this situation a "data event," and it can mean that security requirements have to change as a result. This talk discusses the implications of data events, and how their dynamic, business-driven nature needs to be addressed, possibly by new security technologies.

Wendy Nather

Wendy Nather is Research Director of the Enterprise Security Practice at 451 Research. She has worked as a CISO both in the investment banking sector and state government, and has written and spoken on topics ranging from identity and access management to risk analysis, cloud security and data privacy.

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