Raising Hacker Kids: For Good or for Awesome

DerbyCon 3.0 - All In The Family

Presented by: Joseph Shaw
Date: Saturday September 28, 2013
Time: 12:00 - 12:25
Location: Stable
Track: Stable Talks

“An early, rough version of this talk was given at BSides DFW 2012, but this is being updated and reworked.

This talk is about how someone like myself, who grew up in the late 80′s and 90′s hacker scene and managed to stay out of trouble, had 8 kids of his own who are just like him that he is now trying to keep engaged, focused, and most of all out of trouble. This will detail the trials and tribulations of being a tech-savvy father of tech-savvy kids; how to identify their talents, direct them in ways that keep them and you out of the headlines, and keep the hacker spirit alive in the 21st century by raising another generation of hackers. We’ve done everything from build 18′ catapults, detonated binary explosives, and hacked code/runtime memory to exploit video games. I think this is a great talk for DerbyCon because last year I noticed a significant amount of parents with young children, and this information will be useful to them as their children get older.”

Joseph Shaw

Joseph Shaw is the father of 8 awesome kids who have given him a head full of gray hair, but he wouldn’t trade them for anything. He is also a digital forensics expert who works as a manager for a large multi-national professional services firm headquartered in New York City. He spends his days conducting digital forensics investigations, reverse engineering malware, or picking apart low level filesystem artifacts in a hex editor. He also teaches private and public sector students in various areas of digital forensics, specializing in Macintosh forensics, Computer Incident Response, and Mobile Device Forensics, and he has taught both domestic and international students through the US Department of State’s Anti Terrorism Assistance program.

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