How Good is Your Phish

DerbyCon 3.0 - All In The Family

Presented by: Greg Simo, @Sonofshirt
Date: Friday September 27, 2013
Time: 17:00 - 17:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Fix Me

Description:Phishing it the gateway to the enterprise for bad guys, and they’ve been getting better and better at it through the years. But how good, and how do we know? How do you rate how good one phish is versus another phish? Why does this matter? If you want to help your organization become resilient against phishing, it’s important to know what you’re facing, so you can replicate the type of threat, if not the exact same threat. This talk will show you a framework for categorizing and replicating phishing emails, show you some popular & effective ones the speaker has used through the years.


I have phished more than 150,000 people for one of the largest financial institutions in the US.

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