Black Hat USA 2014

Presented by: Mikko Hypponen
Date: Wednesday August 06, 2014
Time: 14:15 - 15:15
Location: Mandalay Bay D

After cancelling his RSA talk in protest, Mikko delivered his talk on Goverments as Malware Authors at TrustyCon instead. This follow-up talk will look at what's changed since then, and what new we have learned about governments that write malware. Which governments are involved? Where do they get the skills? How big are the budgets for this? And, most importantly: do we have any hope of fighting malwareof this caliber?

Mikko Hypponen

Mikko Hypponen has been working with malware since 1991. He tracked down the authors of the very first PC virus. He's written on his research for Scientific American and Wired. He has also delivered the two most viewed computer security talks on the Internet.

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