Hacking your way into the APRS Network on the Cheap

DerbyCon 4.0 - Family Rootz

Presented by: Mark Lenigan
Date: Sunday September 28, 2014
Time: 12:00 - 12:25
Location: Stable Talks

APRS (Amateur Packet Reporting System) is a twenty-something year-old packet radio network run by amateur (ham) radio operators all over the world. Anyone with a ham license can join the network and use it to report their position- frequency in use- telemeter data from remote sites- send text messages and more. Historically- the gear needed to get on the network was either hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy- or home-brewed and unreliable. This talk will teach you how to use APRS in a wide variety of ways- while spending only tens of dollars. In fact- you might already have everything you need and not know it!

Mark Lenigan

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