Quantifying The Adversary: Introducing GuerillaSearch and GuerillaPivot

DerbyCon 4.0 - Family Rootz

Presented by: Dave Marcus
Date: Friday September 26, 2014
Time: 14:00 - 14:50
Location: Track 1

How do you identify and quantify adversary activity in one of the largest data sets in InfoSec? If you are a member of the APG you lay your hands on every bit of threat data you can and then develop massive search, correlation and machine learning capabilities on top of it, underneath it and behind it. Dave Marcus will share what the APG is doing with large data set analysis, threat correlation and pivoting to better identify and quantify real adversary activity.

Dave Marcus

Dave Marcus currently serves as Director and Chief Architect of Threat Research and Intelligence for Intel Security’s Federal Advanced Programs Group. His focus includes advanced research and threat intelligence projects such as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) analysis, stealth malware, custom analysis and pivoting tools, hardware-assisted security architecture and SCADA/ICS research. In his spare time he rides his Harley, is an avid powerlifter, metalhead and family man. He also enjoys practicing the art of lockpicking (tho he is not very good at it) and is a hacker of things.

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