Security of Things: Who Will Save Us?!

BSides Chicago 2015

Presented by: Nicholas J. Percoco
Date: Saturday May 16, 2015
Time: 14:00 - 14:45
Location: Main Room

Society is hurtling towards a world of hyper convenience and adaptive omniscience.

Two years ago, the “Internet of Things” was just beginning its rise as one of the most buzzed-about topics of the technology world. Now, smarthomes are a reality, our phones and wearable computers are the command line of our lives, and a slew of new, connected gadgets hit the marketplace every year (even toilets aren’t off limits).

A parallel shift is happening in the security world, as threats and attackers become more sophisticated, cyberespionage becomes a real-world concern, and a new data breach makes headlines practically each day.

As technology becomes increasingly personal and intrusive into our private lives, the consequences of security failures will be more severe. This talk will explain how we got here, where we’re heading, why the hacking community plays a pivotal role, and how to protect yourself when the lines between public and private blur.

Nicholas J. Percoco

Nicholas J. Percoco is vice president of strategic services at Rapid7. In his role he leads a team that advises customers on how to mitigate and respond to threats using data driving analysis to empower more relevant, timely, and impactful decisions. Over the past decade, Nicholas has presented security research with a focus on custom malware, mobile devices, and data breach trends to audience all over the world including a Keynote at RSA Conference 2013, TEDx Naperville, and eights previous talks at DEF CON. When he is not on an airplane or working with customers, he enjoys running the THOTCON hacking conference in Chicago, trying new and interesting craft beers, and being a founding member of the Cavarly movement. Prior to Rapid7, he ran SpiderLabs at Trustwave and security practices at both VeriSign and Internet Security Systems. You can find him on Twitter as "c7five".

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