Security Speed Debates

RVASec 2015

Presented by: Chris Eng
Date: Friday June 05, 2015
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Commonwealth Ballroom

Match wits in a fast-paced debate covering a handful of topical security issues and industry-revelant subjects. Two teams of volunteers will face off, and the audience will determine which side made the most convincing (or entertaining) arguments. Topics will not be announced in advance, so participants will have to think on their feet!

Chris Eng

Chris Eng is vice president of research at Veracode. In this role, he leads the team responsible for integrating security expertise into all aspects of Veracode’s technology. Throughout his career, he has led projects breaking, building, and defending web applications and commercial software for some of the world’s largest companies. Chris is a frequent speaker at premier industry conferences, where he has presented on a diverse range of topics, including cryptographic attacks, agile security, mobile application security, and security metrics. He has been interviewed by Bloomberg, Fox Business, CBS, and other media outlets worldwide.

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