War Driving for Warehouses


Presented by: Darren Wigley
Date: Friday April 23, 2010
Time: 12:50 - 13:10
Location: Main Bar

Focusing on mostly industrial areas with warehouse facilities that have been around at least 10 years can be quite enlightening when you lift the veil and wardrive for legacy 802.11 FHSS. This talk will show you a functioning War Drive Rig for this wireless technology in action, and provide some Wardrive maps of completely open networks in the Milwaukee/Chicago North Burbs to show how relevant this technology still is.

Rob Havelt

Rob Havelt is the Practice Manager for Penetration Testing at Trustwave's SpiderLabs, the advanced security team responsible for Penetration Testing, Application Security, and Incident Response for Trustwave's clients. Formerly a bourbon-fueled absurdist, raconteur, and man about town, currently a sardonic workaholic occasionally seeking meaning in the finer things in life. When Rob isn't working which is rare, he's usually trying to make the perfect cup of coffee, or obsessing over things like surrealist Czech vampire movies from the seventies.

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