Radare2 an open source reverse engineering framework

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Anton Kochkov, Maxime Morin
Date: Wednesday August 05, 2015
Time: 08:30 - 12:25
Location: Siena
Track: Training Ground I

Radare2 is a complete framework dedicated to reverse engineering. Written in C, completely portable, and released under LGPL, it's a tool of trade to deal with binaries in any form. A lot of people are currently using it for a large panel of different purposes; binary exploitation, weird CPU architecture reversing, binary diffing, ctf, emulation, ... But since it is a really complete tool without a GUI, it has a steep learning curve, hence this workshop.

Anton Kochkov

Reverse engineer and a lead developer in SecurityCode Ltd. Core member of coreboot, droid-developers/MILEDROPEDIA and MEre projects. His main interest - is a research of the early booting stages of computers (including embedded and mobile ones) and various firmware, commonly ‘hidden’ from the eye.

Maxime Morin

Freshly new team leader of Malware.lu CERT, the first private CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) in Luxembourg. He is fighting against the intentional blur in the industry and against meaningless terminology unfortunately used too often and widely. This struggle also involves a better understanding of the world of IT security and a better vulgarisation of the Science in General.

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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