Better Spectrum Monitoring with Software Defined Radio

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Michael Ossmann
Date: Wednesday August 05, 2015
Time: 11:30 - 12:25
Location: Copa Showroom (1st floor)
Track: Above the Ground Plane

Many of the current crop of SDR platforms support a very wide range of operating frequencies covering more than a GHz of bandwidth, but most users of those platforms find themselves looking at waterfall displays showing a few MHz at most. Let's look at how we can use SDR to monitor activity over several GHz of spectrum and visualize the results over both short and long periods of time.

Michael Ossmann

Michael Ossmann is a wireless security researcher who makes hardware for hackers. Best known for the open source HackRF, Ubertooth, and Daisho projects, he founded Great Scott Gadgets in an effort to put exciting, new tools into the hands of innovative people.

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