Towards Standardizing Comparisons of Password Guessability

BSidesLV 2015

Presented by: Sean Segreti, Blase Ur
Date: Wednesday August 05, 2015
Time: 12:00 - 12:25
Location: Tuscany
Track: Passwords

This talk compares the performance of numerous guessing approaches and human experts to understand how they impact password research. A new tool to standardize security analyses by researchers will be released during this presentation.

Sean Segreti

Sean is a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University, where he conducts and publishes studies on password security and usability. He and Blase Ur will be representing the entire passwords research group at CMU, which comprises three faculty and more than 10 students.

Blase Ur

Blase is a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University, where he conducts and publishes studies on password security and usability. He and Sean Segreti will be representing the entire passwords research group at CMU, which comprises three faculty and more than 10 students.

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