OSINT for AppSec: Recon-ng and Beyond

DerbyCon V - Unity

Presented by: Tim Tomes (LaNMaSteR53)
Date: Saturday September 26, 2015
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Fix Me

It’s not hard to see the value of OSINT in Red Teaming or Network Penetration Testing, but where does OSINT stand when it comes to Application Security Assessments? Many believe that OSINT is a waste of time for pure Application Security Assessments. After all, Application Security Assessments are all about the application itself, and often include the source code. If you have the source code, what else do we need? You need OSINT, and in this talk, I’ll show you why. With popular OSINT tools, resources galore for harvesting useful information about applications and their infrastructures, and some new Recon-ng hotness, I’ll demonstrate for you why your application testing methodology must include OSINT, and why you’ll be short changing yourself and your clients if it doesn’t.

Tim Tomes

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