BSidesDE 2015

Presented by: Russell Handorf
Date: Saturday November 14, 2015
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 2

SoHo SIGINT is about the wandering musings of the value and use of collecting basic information about radio communications in your immediate residence. You'll learn what worked, what doesn't, what's interesting and what's not and hopefully enough to build something yourself. From WiFI, Bluetooth and Software Defined Radio intercepts and recordings, you'll specifically learn about the hardware, software and other choices that might influence your own SoHo SIGINT collection.

Russell Handorf

Russell has been in the information security realm for 15 years. He built and sold a wireless ISP, worked info sec in the financial services industry and now is a public servant of sorts. His hobbies and interests have always involved radio in some sort of fashion. When he has spare time, he is completing his PhD, teaches, create mischief, and is working on his dad jokes. Flowers, red and blue, Russell loves SDR toys. This is a haiku.

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