Overcoming Imposter Syndrome (even if you’re totally faking it)


Presented by: Jesika McEvoy (octalpus)
Date: Thursday May 05, 2016
Time: 12:30 - 12:55
Location: Turbo Room
Track: Track 2

Imposter Syndrome has been oft discussed in the context of gender or other minorities and mentoring, but these discussions have left out the greater truth – nearly everyone in the infosec community experiences this phenomenon. This talk is designed to approach the topic from a broader perspective. It will contain tips on not only overcoming this ourselves, but how to use this confidence to be a mentor and role model to others. This talk highlights the challenge current and emerging researchers encounter – feeling supported in pursuing a research path and speaking authoritatively when the cutting edge nature of infosec is counterproductive to building confidence in your own expertise. If we want to continue to be a research-focused community, we need to address some of the underlying issues that are contributing to the stagnation and drain of the brain trust.

Jesika McEvoy

Ninja, brewer, snowboarder, noiser, and an expert at faking expertise.

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