Hacking through Business: Theory and Logistics

The Eleventh Hope

Presented by: Mitch Altman, Sean Auriti, Charles Beckwith, Ben Dubin-Thaler, Limor Fried (Ladyada), Phillip Torrone
Date: Sunday July 24, 2016
Time: 17:00 - 17:50
Location: Noether

It's rare that you see an engineer as CEO, but occasionally taking a technical idea to its logical conclusion requires the person who knows what's going on inside the black box to take the reigns. Someone who knew everything they needed to know to start the project technologically is suddenly confronted with human problems and legal issues and paths forward that might require new types of specialized knowledge and very different gut decisions. This extended panel discussion will address both the blue sky possibilities of a company led by tech, as well as the plethora of challenges thrown at anyone who finds it necessary to not let someone else run their business.

Mitch Altman

Limor Fried

Phillip Torrone

Ben Dubin-Thaler

Sean Auriti

Charles Beckwith

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