Introducing PowerShell into your Arsenal with PS>Attack

DerbyCon 6.0 - Recharge

Presented by: Jared Haight
Date: Sunday September 25, 2016
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Regency North
Track: Break Me

PS>Attack is a custom tool that was created to make it easier for Penetration Testers to incorporate PowerShell into their bag of tricks. It combines a lot of the best offensive tools from the offensive PowerShell community into a custom, encrypted console that emulates a PowerShell environment. It also includes a custom command, "Get-Attack" to act a search engine for attacks making it easy to find the right attack for any situation. In this presentation we will cover how PowerShell can be used during every part of a penetration test and how PS>Attack can help make the whole process a lot easier.

Jared Haight

Jared Haight (@jaredhaight) spent 10 years as a Systems Administrator where (once it came out) he used PowerShell to handle any task that he had to do more than once. Now as a Penetration Tester for Gotham Digital Science, he uses his knowledge of PowerShell on engagements to help companies improve their security posture. He has spent the last four years teaching people how to use PowerShell and created the PS>Attack platform to help Penetration Testers easily add PowerShell to their toolkit.

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