TastingFeet: Behavioral Quirks to Mechanical Systems

Hackaday 2016

Presented by: Sarah Petkus
Date: Saturday November 05, 2016
Time: 16:05 - 16:45
Location: LACM Stage

I intend to discuss the motivation and development of my robot Noodle's "Tasting Feet" from conceptual drawing to the production of functioning mechanical systems. These systems include 3D printed retractable gripping toes, a central darting silicon tongue, and its ability to excrete a controlled amount of fluid. I will discuss the nuance of my designs and their iterations, highlighting failures and solutions as I worked towards the final apparatus.

Sarah Petkus

Sarah Petkus is a kinetic artist and roboticist from Las Vegas, Nevada. Her area of focus is in developing mechanical systems that exhibit the behavioral nuances of living things. Sarah has a background in traditional art mediums such as painting and printmaking, and exercises her interest in these areas by writing and illustrating sequential art, graphic design, and propaganda. She is currently working in collaboration with electronic engineer, Mark Koch, as the artist group Robot Army.

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