Transitions in Life & Technology

Hackaday 2016

Presented by: Lia Martirosyan
Date: Saturday November 05, 2016
Time: 11:30 - 11:50
Location: Design Lab Stage

Lia speaks on living more than half of her life with an undiagnosed disease. She emphasises the importance of technology in unlocking clues of microscopic proportions, with the hopes of finding answers which may provide comfort in knowledge. Lia is among the first participating in a study which utilizes a form of crowdsourcing, and advanced gene sequencing technology, analyzing the whole genome blueprint in order to find any changes that may be the root of her symptoms. These answers have the potential of being life-altering.

Lia Martirosyan

Lia Martirosyan is a classical singer, actress and creative writer. A lyric soprano, she sings in the US, and has performed in China, Italy, Jordan and Armenia. Her writing covers individual’s worldwide working towards integrating those with disabilities into hesitant societies, such the Middle East, Asia and South America; her work can be seen in ABILITY Magazine. She is also Co-Founder of ABILITY Corps, whose aim is to create a world of inclusion and awareness for people with disabilities — through music, videography, art and volunteer opportunities. Lia's ventures include promoting education of undiagnosed conditions and genome sequencing.

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