How To Lose Friends and Influence People (An Apology)

BSidesLV 2017

Presented by: Joshua Corman
Date: Tuesday July 25, 2017
Time: 10:50 - 11:25
Location: Keynote

_Through our over-dependence on undependable things, we have created the conditions such that any outlier can have a profound impact on public safety, liberties, economic & (inter)national security.

_ Our choices define us. In our 25th hacker pilgrimage to Vegas, the time has come for us to make some hard choices: what we choose to celebrate, condemn, tolerate... and our choices have escalating consequences. We must choose who we will be, the roles we will play, the priorities & principles we will promote, how we will treat each other, and how we will engage the outside world.

We all need to be better. To do so, we must confront some of our daemons, challenge & open ourselves to new models, find and empower new teammates, and be willing to experiment.

Joshua Corman

Joshua Corman is a Founder of I am The Cavalry (dot org) and Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative for the Atlantic Council. Corman previously served as CTO for Sonatype, Director of Security Intelligence for Akamai, and in senior research & strategy roles for The 451 Group and IBM Internet Security Systems. He co-founded @RuggedSoftware and @IamTheCavalry to encourage new security approaches in response to the world’s increasing dependence on digital infrastructure. Josh's unique approach to security in the context of human factors, adversary motivations and social impact has helped position him as one of the most trusted names in security. He also serves as adjunct faculty for Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College and on the 2016 HHS Cybersecurity Task Force.

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