3rd Annual Metasploit Townhall

DerbyCon 7.0 - Legacy

Presented by: Brent Cook (busterbcook), James Lee (egypt), David Maloney (thelightcosine), Spencer McIntyre
Date: Friday September 22, 2017
Time: 15:00 - 15:50
Location: Track 3 - Teach Me

This will be the third year of the Metasploit Townhall at DerbyCon. This will be an open forum style panel where we offer ourselves up to our community. We will answer questions, take feedback, and talk a little bit about what we've got going on and where we see things going. This is your chance to come an interact with us face to face in a setting where we can't get away!

David Maloney

We are some, but not all, of the people who keep Metasploit going. Brent, Egyp7, and theLightCosine all work at Rapid7 where they somehow manage to get paid for doing this. ZeroSteiner is one of the core community contributors who does this for free. David - @thelightcosine

Spencer McIntyre

We are some, but not all, of the people who keep Metasploit going. Brent, Egyp7, and theLightCosine all work at Rapid7 where they somehow manage to get paid for doing this. ZeroSteiner is one of the core community contributors who does this for free. Spencer - @zeroSteiner

Brent Cook

We are some, but not all, of the people who keep Metasploit going. Brent, Egyp7, and theLightCosine all work at Rapid7 where they somehow manage to get paid for doing this. ZeroSteiner is one of the core community contributors who does this for free. Brent - @busterbcook

James Lee

We are some, but not all, of the people who keep Metasploit going. Brent, Egyp7, and theLightCosine all work at Rapid7 where they somehow manage to get paid for doing this. ZeroSteiner is one of the core community contributors who does this for free. James - @egyp7

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