Modern Evasion Techniques

DerbyCon 7.0 - Legacy

Presented by: Jason Lang
Date: Saturday September 23, 2017
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 1 - Break Me

As pentesters, we are often in need of working around security controls. In this talk, we will reveal ways that we bypass in-line network defenses, spam filters (in line and cloud based), as well as current endpoint solutions. Some techniques are old, some are new, but all work in helping to get a foothold established. Defenders: might want to come to this one.

Jason Lang

Jason Lang (@curi0usJack) is a caffeine-imbued coding hermit, briefly emerging from the Wisconsin woods to congregate with other infosec & PowerShell lovers. Proficient in { }’s and trollery, Jason spends his days on the prowl for customer data and evenings in off-the-grid pursuits. #Nano4lyfe curi0usJack

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