Wiring Boot Camp

Hackaday Superconference 2017

Presented by: Bradley Gawthrop
Date: Sunday November 12, 2017
Time: 13:45 - 14:25
Location: DesignLab
Track: Talk

If your wiring doesn't work, nothing else matters. No amount of firmware development, board layout Kung Fu, or component selection can make up for failures in wiring. Strangely, this totally essential work is rarely taught or even discussed. After ten years of wiring large and elaborate installations, Gawthrop gives the talk he wishes he'd heard when starting out. Learn the tools, materials and skills you need to do cables right, and why you should (even for prototypes!).

Bradley Gawthrop

Bradley Gawthrop is a general purpose electronics geek and tinker who spent the last decade dvesigning, building and installing electric pipe organs, and the control systems which make them work. He eventually came to his senses.

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