Many people are afraid that robots are going to take their jobs - and they are right - but that doesn't mean anyone has to get left behind. One solution is to make it easier for non-technical people to learn how to design, build, and run robots, without formal education. Dr. Applestone will discuss her perspective on what it looks like when robots are as much a part of employment as computers are, thoughts on "Made in America", commitment to workforce development, and machine accessibility.
Danielle Applestone is CEO of Bantam Tools (formerly known as Other Machine Co.), a Berkeley-based, manufacturer of desktop CNC milling machines. Danielle’s team took technology developed for DARPA and launched that company, which was then acquired by former MakerBot CEO and co-founder, Bre Pettis. Danielle has a B.S. in chemical engineering from MIT and a PhD in materials science and engineering from the UT Austin. She is a member of the 2016 Class of Henry Crown Fellows.