Since starting to build tools for the investigation of infrared communication systems over the past year, we have noticed a number of interesting ways that infrared targets are susceptible to attack. Tiny toys, critical infrastructure...infrared systems are more prevalent than ever. We've taken a Software Defined Radio (SDR) approach to infrared hacking. Join us as we sail the high seas in search of infrared targets and demonstrate creative ways to influence system behavior.
Michael Ossmann is a wireless security researcher who makes hardware for hackers. Best known for the open source HackRF, Ubertooth, and GreatFET projects, he founded Great Scott Gadgets in an effort to put exciting, new tools into the hands of innovative people.
Dominic Spill is a senior security researcher at Great Scott Gadgets where he writes software and firmware for open source hardware. His primary focus is sniffing and modifying communication protocols.