A Cross-Platform Magstripe Payment Method: BlueSpoof

Hackaday Superconference 2017

Presented by: Salvador Mendoza
Date: Saturday November 11, 2017
Time: 11:30 - 12:10
Location: DesignLab
Track: Talk

In this talk, we will discuss how to design a cross-platform tool that it is capable of transmit magstripe information wirelessly implementing sound. What techniques and what tools we have to implement to generate those magstripe audio waves; also how to mimic the magnetic field changes when a card is swiped in the terminal, and how to transmit the audio from many different devices.

Salvador Mendoza

Salvador Mendoza is a security researcher focusing in tokenization processes, magnetic stripe information and embedded prototypes. He has presented on tokenization flaws and digital payment methods at Black Hat USA, DEF CON, DerbyCon, Ekoparty, BugCON and Troopers. Salvador designed different tools to pentest magstripe info and tokenization processes. In his designed toolset includes MagSpoofPI, JamSpay, TokenGet and lately SamyKam.

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