End to End Product Design with Eagle and Fusion 360

Hackaday Superconference 2017

Presented by: Matt Berggren
Date: Saturday November 11, 2017
Time: 10:30 - 13:30
Location: Supplyframe HQ
Track: Workshop

In this session, we’ll take you end to end, from building a new schematic, simulating a circuit using EAGLE’s built-in SPICE simulator, laying out a PCB, generating mfg. files and include some tips & tricks for milling boards and making stencils. We’ll also take you thru the link between electronics and mechanics using Fusion360. Alongside EAGLE we’ll build an enclosure and generate the mfg outputs for your mechanical design (CAM, 3D prints, etc). We’ll look at library management across electronics and mechanics and bidirectional synchronization between both of these domains. This is more than an intro, as Matt’s always good for some essential, oft-missed background and tips with EAGLE you might never have known otherwise.

Matt Berggren

Matt Berggren runs the EAGLE & Tinkercad teams at Autodesk. Prior to Autodesk, Matt worked for Supplyframe, the evil overlords that rule Hackaday. He’s been in electronics design and eCAD software since the days of PCAD / Accel and was part of the core team at Altium which drove the transformation from Protel to Altium Designer. Matt’s background in electronics goes back 30+ years beginning with model rocket gear, radios and radio equipment, RC vehicles and a lot more dangerous stuff he’s reluctant to talk about. His career programming began with the Commodore PET. Professionally he’s designed all manner of consumer products, mil-spec / aerospace designs, wireless systems, and just about any sort of sensor / control module you can imagine.

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