Breaking the IIoT: Hacking industrial Control Gateways

Black Hat USA 2018

Presented by: Thomas Roth
Date: Wednesday August 08, 2018
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: South Seas ABE

Industrial control gateways connect most of the critical infrastructure surrounding us to the centralized management systems: From power grids (transformer stations, solar fields), city infrastructure (traffic lights, tunnel control systems) to big industrial plants (automotive, chemical), these devices can be found almost everywhere. In the last years these gateways have even been known to be used in attacks on countries such as the Ukraine in 2015 and Saudi Arabia in 2018. This presentation reviews the security of those gateways; going from attacking the communication protocols up to reverse engineering and fuzzing proprietary firmwares and protocols, concluding with a live demonstration of the vulnerabilities on real devices, showing that the industrial control gateways from most vendors have significant security shortcomings and are not secure enough to be used in critical infrastructure.

Thomas Roth

Thomas Roth is a security researcher and founder of leveldown security. His main focus is on mobile and embedded systems with published research on topics like TrustZone, payment terminals, and embedded security. In recent years, his main focus has been on critical infrastructure and communication, with published research on industrial control systems, industrial IoT devices and secure communication. In 2018, Thomas Roth and his research was named as one of the 30 under 30 in Technology by the Forbes Magazine and is a finalist for the TCAA Young Engineer of the Year award 2018.

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